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Manage your tools digitally with the software solution from Craftcloud

With Craftcloud you manage machines and tools digitally in a cloud.


With digital working capital management, constant searching is a thing of the past. You know exactly where your inventory is and save unnecessary time searching. No matter where tools, machines, or other operating resources are located – the cloud-based software solution guarantees the location and status changes of operating resources in real-time. Craftcloud also supports occupational safety. With the operating equipment software, construction and craft companies have the possibility to easily manage safety-relevant and legally required inspections. Not only equipment but also the respective employee can be stored, so that it can be ensured that only trained and certified personnel use certain tools and machines.


In every craft business, there is a permanent increase in the number of vehicles, machines, and equipment to be registered. Keeping track of this is not possible without an intelligent software solution. Some companies try to manage this with isolated solutions such as Excel lists.

A possibility that is costly and tedious.

The nightmare of every craftsman is to have to constantly search for tools, not to find them, and to find defective machines on the construction site. Employees quickly lose interest and motivation, as the focus is not on the competent processing of the respective customer projects, but rather one is constantly torn from the concept, as relevant work tools have to be searched for.

Many companies that use Excel lists for resource management quickly realize that the maintenance effort is too high for many employees. Sooner or later, one loses the overview.

With the continuously rising operating costs, it is understandable that craft businesses fall back on free working capital management solutions at the expense of efficiency and, above all, at the expense of general employee satisfaction.

Don’t skimp on your working capital management – reduce search time and downtime of critical equipment. Digitize your inventory with Craftcloud’s working capital software.

Optimize your daily project routine and manage your tools, machines, and equipment in the cloud!


Book a 30-minute demo presentation now without obligation and free of charge.

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